Four-Day Workshop Dates: September 5 through 8, 2023 – CANCELLED. New dates to be determined.
Course Description
This is an introductory course in flintknapping and lithic technological analysis and is an intensive immersion into the subject. The workshop focuses on learning how to apply flintknapping experimentation results to interpretation of the archaeological record. The training emphasizes hands-on production and analysis of flaked stone tools and debitage. Participants are taught several technologies (including core, biface, bipolar, and blade technologies), and learn to recognize and identify the distinctive manufacturing products and by-products of each.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the Introduction to Flaked Stone Technologies Workshop, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize tools representing multiple reduction technologies and stages of reduction
- Recognize the diagnostic debitage produced in the same technologies
- Differentiate between natural (non-cultural) and technological (culturally-produced) flakes
- Produce comparative collections for a variety of technologies through experimental flintknapping
- Develop research questions and outline an experimental research design for future analyses
- Understand various approaches to lithic analyses and how they compare with technological approaches