President, Senior Archaeologist and Lithic Technology Specialist
John L. Fagan, co-founder/co-owner of AINW, has over 51 years of experience in archaeology of the Pacific Northwest. Attended the Don Crabtree Flintknapping Fieldschool in 1973, and attended the Washington State University Flintknapping Fieldschool in 1983.
Teaching Experience:
Between 1972 and 2015, Dr. Fagan taught over 47 lithic technology workshops for federal and state agencies and tribes in Oregon, California, Nevada, and Arizona. Several classes were taught with Terry Ozbun and Dan Stueber, including: a one-day workshop for the Association of Oregon Archaeologists in 2010, week-long, intensive lithic technology workshops for federal agency archaeologists and tribes in Arizona, California, and Oregon in 1995 and 1997 (Introduction); 1998 (Ground Stone Technology); 1999 (Advanced); 2005, 2010, and 2014 (Introduction). In 2015 Dr. Fagan taught a week-long lithic technology workshop with Terry Ozbun, Marci Monaco, and Meghan Johnson.
Lithic Technology Publications:
Ozbun, Terry L., and John L. Fagan
2010 Cascade Projectile Point Technology. Journal of Northwest Anthropology 44(1):1-22.
Ozbun, Terry L., Daniel O. Stueber, Maureen Zehendner, and John L. Fagan
2004 Lithic Debitage and Formed Tools. In Marmes Rockshelter: A Final Report on 11,000 Years of Cultural Use, edited by Brent A. Hicks, Washington State University Press, Pullman, Washington.
Fagan, John L.
2000 Analysis of Lithic Artifact Embedded in the Columbia Park Remains. Chapter 4, in Kennewick Man, National Park Service. Electronic document,, accessed June 18, 2013.
Keyser, James D., and John L. Fagan
1993 McKean Lithic Technology at Lightning Spring. Plains Anthropologist 38(145), Memoir 27:37-51.
Fagan, John L.
1989 Stone Clues to Ethnic Identity. In Symposium Proceedings, Living with the Land: The Indians of Southwest Oregon, edited by Nan Hannon and Richard K. Omo. Southern Oregon Historical Society, Medford.
Willig, Judith A., C. Melvin Aikens, and John L. Fagan, editors
1988 Early Human Occupation in Far Western North America: The Clovis- Archaic Interface. Nevada State Museum Anthropological Papers 21.
Fagan, John L.
1988 Clovis and Western Pluvial Lakes Tradition Lithic Technologies at the Dietz Site in South-Central Oregon. In Early Human Occupation in Far Western North America: The Clovis- Archaic Interface, edited by J.A. Willig, C.M. Aikens and J.L. Fagan. Nevada State Museum Anthropological Papers 21.
Keyser, James D., and John L. Fagan
1987 East Short Pines Procurement and Processing of Tongue River Silicified Sediment. Plains Anthropologist 32(117):233-256.
Fagan, John L.
1986 Western Clovis Occupation in Southcentral Oregon: Archaeological Research at the Dietz Site 1983-1985. Current Research in the Pleistocene 3:3-5.
Akerman, Kim, and John L. Fagan
1986 Fluting the Lindenmeier Folsom: A Simple and Economical Solution to the Problem, and Its Implications for Other Fluted Point Technologies. Lithic Technology 15(1):1-7.
Fagan, John L.
1975 A Supposed Fluted Point From Fort Rock Cave, An Error of Identification, And Its Consequences. American Antiquity 40:356-357.